

Amazing Crockpot Chili

Who knew Winter was coming back to say hi one last time?? Thankfully I had CHILI on my meal plan this week. And there’s nothing better than a good bowl of Chili to warm you up the inside when it’s chilly outside. And this Chili is good. It’s a combination of a few recipes I’ve tried and loved over the years. I’m excited to get it all down here because it’s currently just hand-scribbled on something. 3 tsp. Chili powder 2...

Don’t Mess With These Fish Tacos

First day of spring break… DONE. If the rest of the week goes like this I will be capital h.a.p.p.y. I woke up with a “put the oxygen mask on first THEN help others” mentality. The gym is going to be BONKERS all week and I don’t want to take the kids there… So I need to get my workout in early or it won’t happen. SO I WENT! For the first time in YEARS I went to a 6AM workout class....

(EASY) Roasted Citrus Chicken!

c Disclaimer: this is going to be a whiney post. I apologize in advance!! This little guy is turning 2 in six days and he’s in full-force “tyrant mode.” He’s the one wearing swim trunks in the bathtub because he wants to “whiiiimmmmm!!!” His little personality is off the charts. He tells jokes no one understands and then laughs hysterically. It’s really adorable, of COURSE. But I keep forgetting to clip his nails and my face is paying for it....

“Snack” Of The Week: Roasted Almonds

In my house snacks are a REALLY big deal. Pre-kids I’m not sure if the word “snack” even existed in my vocabulary. I probably just ventured to say an entire sentence like “I need something to eat.” Or “I’m hungry, I’ll eat something small before dinner.” Now it’s “snack snack snack” every other word. Brielle would eat crackers and cheerios all the day long if I let her. So I don’t. Instead I offer her a lot of other stuff. Red peppers,...

Meatballs in a Haystack

This is another favorite. I changed the name of this recipe from “Meatball Bites with Spaghetti Squash,” to “Meatballs in a Haystack” because I thought it sounded more interesting. At least to kids. Even though my kids didn’t know what a haystack was… What the heck? Either way, this meal is a dairy free wheat free party in your mouth. It’s so darn good! And the leftovers are even better the day after. First, To get started on the Haystacks: preheat the oven...