Don’t Mess With These Fish Tacos

April 4, 2016

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First day of spring break… DONE. If the rest of the week goes like this I will be capital h.a.p.p.y.

I woke up with a “put the oxygen mask on first THEN help others” mentality. The gym is going to be BONKERS all week and I don’t want to take the kids there… So I need to get my workout in early or it won’t happen.

SO I WENT! For the first time in YEARS I went to a 6AM workout class. Talk about invigorating. Early morning air and birds just starting to chirp. ALONE in the car. Driving. Drinking my coffee. Oh my gosh. I could write for an hour about that 10 minute drive alone but lets just say, I’m doing it again tomorrow.

I’m a better, happier mom when I get my oxygen mask on first.

The rest of the day I was able to GIVE GIVE GIVE and never think: “when do I get mine?” AND I made better food choices ALL DAY because I worked my butt off at 6AM.. I would be an IDIOT to sabotage that. Right?

After running errands to Trader Joes, UPS to return a package, and the post office to get stamps, we settled in at home and had a “snack” of popcorn at 9:48 AM. Yes, 9:48. It’s spring break. When the question “Can I have popcorn?” arises I say “yes.” And start popping. But don’t worry, I’ve said “no” a few times today too. Like to TV: “Can we watch a show?” “NO NO NO.” And it spawned so much creativity and fun!

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Then we had friends over to play and have lunch. We LOVE the playground right up the street! Michael is soooo brave on the big slides.. and everywhere else.
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When we got home the fun continued. This is an old tree swing with actual mildew on it. Michael doesn’t mind.
Dinner time was CRAZY. We bathed and fed four kids, all who were exhausted to varying degrees. All while dinner was being prepared for the adults. Don’t ask me how it got done, but it was DE-LICIOUS if I do say so myself. And I CAN say so myself because it’s a Cooksmarts meal and they are known for being delicious. all.THE.time.

I REALLY want to walk you through the steps personally but sadly I’m just too tired. Actually “tired” doesn’t cut it. So…because I got the “okay” from the lovely Jess at Cooksmarts to share a few of my favorite recipes (YAY) I will just share a screenshot tonight.

Panko Crusted Fish Tacos

Don’t ask me how my camera doesn’t have egg yolk all over it given the (beautiful) chaos in my house tonight!

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Ladies, (and maybe one gentleman??) THIS is a taco for your summertime.

Here is the recipe! Please don’t cheat yourself.. TRY IT!

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* We don’t eat dairy and it was delicious without it.
**I heat our (always corn) 🙂 Tortillas in a pan with no oil or butter. Just heat for 1-2 min on either side on med-high.
*** And a quick something about Cooksmarts, in my own words:
Cooksmarts is a paid subscription meal planning service which means that for a nominal charge each month you can have your meals arrive in your inbox. BUT they are so much more that that too! They have videos on different techniques, they have healthy eating tips and so much more! Check them out and try out some of their sample meals. Cooksmarts has really and truly changed how I think about food and cooking in every way.



More about Sarah Grace

1 Comment
    1. This looks so good! I’m gonna have to try it! AND I actually have Panko in the pantry!

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