
June 27, 2018

I want to get this down before too much time has passed, and time, I know all too well, passes quickly!

This past weekend I woke up Forty. FORTY. I have been told in a very condoling way leading up to this point that “forty is the new thirty…” and “You won’t even notice a difference…” etc etc etc. I’m so grateful for these well-meaning friends, because really, I needed some gentle love as I eased into these big girl pants.


When I actually woke up and experienced Forty for myself, none of those well-meaning words rang true. Forty really did feel different. Forty really wasn’t the new thirty, (I had been thirty, I would know.) Forty was an entirely new animal, and the best part about it was: I loved it.

I woke up feeling older. Not in a “my knees ache” sort of way, but in a “wow, I’ve freaking lived!” sort of way. I felt like I was an authority on something, even though I didn’t accomplish a darn thing between going to bed at 39 and waking up at 40. Just being 40 by nature made me feel accomplished. I’ve lived. I’m freaking forty.

I love the idea of this being the summer of my life. Summer is my favorite season. In my mind my Spring was my 20’s and 30’s and my summer is my 40’s and 50’s.. and then comes Fall, (my 60’s and 70’s,) and then my winter.. which is a big unknown for all of us, and where God will meet me mightily.

But in the right now, I am enjoying my summer. The flowers are full-grown, the grass is being mowed on a weekly basis, the rain comes and makes everything fresh every couple days. There are rainbows and humid days and pool days. It’s summer! There will be hard times in summer… Twenty years is a long season, and life will look different at the end of it. But I am at the beginning of it and it’s sunshine. The beginning of my favorite season of all.

I threw myself a birthday party. My friends (and especially sister) was appalled that I would want to cook on my birthday. That my dear, is the beauty of it being your birthday. You can cook if you want to! And cook I did.

I made a pistachio crusted salmon with gnocchi and asparagus. My friends brought the most amazing sides and appetizers and wine.. and a girlfriend even made me a cake. Talk about amazing. This salmon was my favorite fish I’d ever made. I need to get the recipe on the blog, but in the meantime here’s a pic. (This is the next morning, taking the leftovers to my mommy because she loves salmon!)

I think my secret was marinating it for 16 hours. It cuts down on the cooking time tremendously (because the acidity in the lemon “cooks” it while it marinates,) so that is a very important detail to remember when you marinate it that long. You don’t want to over-cook a perfect filet of salmon!

I wish I could have invited everyone I wanted to. I seriously had to cut my guest list in pieces because of the nature of the party, but I have huge hopes for my 50th being a party with no limits. I want everyone I love in one room! I may have to wait for heaven for that, huh? But I’ll do my darnedest here on earth.

A couple of my girls grabbed me for pics and I’m so glad, because I didn’t think of taking any except this group one! I love the proper place photos have in my life now.

It’s experiences and being in the moment first, which is a huge change from when I was an Instagram addict. I love seeing positive changes in my life! It takes time and energy to break bad habits but one day you wake up forty, and realize you really really like who you are. To God be the Glory.

Love my ladies.

The next morning I collected the kids from my mom and we caught the train to DC! Time to celebrate my birthday with my favorite people in the world.

We went to the Air and space museum, the National Mall, (the Washington Monument was M’s favorite because “it looks like a sword”,) we rode on the carousel, (it’s fast!) saw the White House, (which brought an undercurrent of rage and anger toward Trump, ugh.) We attempted to go to the Bible museum but this will have to happen on a weekday – the line was wrapped around the building! We went to a huge BBQ cook-off that just happened to be that weekend, yay! We went to the Georgetown waterfront for dinner and Georgetown Cupcakes for dessert, (yum, but Sweethaus is better!) and then best of all, we went to see where B and I met 13 years ago.

It was amazing standing in that little courtyard in front of what used to be Georgetown Billiards and think about how it all started. Tipsy, after a concert, wanting to go to sleep but hanging out because my friend wanted to see a guy. This is how God moves. He moves in our imperfect lives in His own perfect perfect way. Even when I try to mess it up he has a hold of me. God thank you for this man, thank you for that fateful night where I first laid eyes on him. What a beautiful walk down memory lane. 💙

Cuddling in hotel rooms is our favorite thing. And of course watching TV!

This stroller has served us well!

I love how much he loves me. Michael, I ADORE you.

Michael’s favorite part of the trip! The “sword” in the background! 😀

These smiles! (Fake or not!) 😀

Watching them lug around their little suitcases was the highlight of my weekend. I love being their mommy. Their 40-year-old mommy.






More about Sarah Grace


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