
May 19, 2016

Wonder is not something we have been taught to strive for. It’s not a characteristic like confidence or perseverance that brings outward results. It’s more like thankfulness… It transforms from within and benefits the spirit.

Children live in a perpetual state of Wonder and Awe . Everything is new and exciting and buzzing with life.

Today I am so grateful for their example.

They show me how I want to look at the world.

With Wonder.

Wonder brings to the surface what I love, what I am excited about, what I am in awe of.

And I am in absolute awe…

of the thunderstorm that shook our house last evening.
of fresh mint, the way it smells.
of my love for this man and that he is mine forever.
of God’s unique design for my life.
of my daughter’s sweet sweet voice.
of my son’s laughter.
of my ability to help people.
of their ability to help me.
of how green and vibrant is the spring grass.
of my best friend and her story.
of my sister and her strength.
of my mother and her courage.
of my resilience.
of my ability to applaud myself for my resilience.
of my man.
of my husband.
of my man.
of memories.
of emotion.
of my dog’s rough little nose.
of empathy.
of my Savior.
of Life.

I am in awe and wonder of my existence. and yours.

And so much much much more.

More about Sarah Grace


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