

Michael is Seven!

Michael James Grace! You are Seven! You are electric, almost visibly buzzing with energy. Everything you do and say is extra. You love life and adventure and it shows and is contagious to everyone around you.  Some days I feel like I have my own little power source when you are near me. You are a flow of energy and laughter and love. I ADORE YOU. Your sixth year of life was full of fun even though COVID was in...

Slow Cooker Paleo Jerk Chicken

This post is long overdue! I’ve been making this chicken at least twice a month and I’m excited to finally have the recipe on my blog. Why I love it so much: 1) It’s affordable. I usually have the spices on hand anyway, so all I have to do is buy a big pack of chicken and I’m done ingredient-wise. 2) It’s delicious and interesting and not your normal boring chicken dish… Huge plus! 3) It’s easy. Throw some spices and meat into...

2017! Let’s DO THIS. (Odd number and all.)

Happy New Year! Wow… In three years it will be “2020”. I will be in even-number-heaven. This year, however… 17??? Eeeew. I’ll get over it. Because this is going to be an incredible year. It will be a year of “Stripping Away.” I was going to say “balance” but what does balance really mean anymore? It’s such a beat-up word. I think my scales are “balancing” a lot of the wrong things anyway… Half the things on my scales shouldn’t...

How I Document Our Days

A foolproof way to solidify memories in our minds is to relive them. Talk about them. Look at them. Listen to them. Experience them over and over. It’s so powerful! I’ve always felt a desire to document life’s events and life in general. By the time I was eighteen I had an entire cardboard box full of (boooorrrrring) journals. Now that I have a family I feel the value even more. I use five tools to document our days, and four out...