

Lasagna Without The Lasagna Tummy!

Nature never ceases to amaze me. Squash that looks and tastes (use your imagination!) like angel hair pasta, and now butternut squash that can be used as lasagna noodles?! Add some Mozzarella cheese and it tastes like you are getting fatter by the bite-full, but you’re not! You don’t really need a recipe for this one. It’s just a meaty delicious marinara sauce of your choice piled on top of thinly sliced butternut squash. I used the following recipe: 1...

Mother’s Day

Today Brielle asked to see a picture of me when I was a baby.. I had to think about it. I don’t even know where my “baby” book is. At my mom’s house I’m sure, but what condition it’s in and whether it has any “baby” pictures in it, I don’t know. That won’t be a problem when Brielle’s daughter asks her to see a picture of her. Nope. We have plenty of those to go around. My how times...

Not Your Everyday Deviled Eggs

I’m so happy Spring is here for so many reasons. Long days.. vitamin D.. no mittens to keep track of or coats to hang up.. no cabin fever.. lots of pool time and vacations on the horizon. And the biggest thing for me is just time OUTSIDE with family and friends. Last weekend we kicked the season off right with our dear friends in the country. It was a blast. Delicious BBQ Chicken, a stream to explore in the woods, S’mores, tons...

We Got Our Farm Fix!

Today was a special day! Brielle’s FIRST ever school field trip. We got to skip pre-school and drive out to a farm. It’s crazy how different my babies are growing up than I did. I used to have chickens and ponies and rabbits around me daily. For these kids it’s a HUGE DEAL! The whole way out to the farm we talked about what we would see. Of course we had to talk abut cow pies and Brielle topped me...

Pistachio Cake

I found this amazing recipe in a magazine YEARS ago. Pre-kids. Pre-husband. Pre- “real life”. I saw the words “pudding” and “pistachio” and I was smitten. This is it, in my hand. Crinkled and so well-loved! I keep it in a make-shift recipe box with my other awesome finds. I’m so glad I finally get to do it justice and get it down somewhere concrete… and share it with you!! It’s light. It’s fluffy. It’s amazing for baby showers, bridal showers,...