

Not Your Everyday Deviled Eggs

I’m so happy Spring is here for so many reasons. Long days.. vitamin D.. no mittens to keep track of or coats to hang up.. no cabin fever.. lots of pool time and vacations on the horizon. And the biggest thing for me is just time OUTSIDE with family and friends. Last weekend we kicked the season off right with our dear friends in the country. It was a blast. Delicious BBQ Chicken, a stream to explore in the woods, S’mores, tons...

Chicken Bean Bake: New Mom Fuel

There’s nothing a new mom needs more than food. (And sleep. But that’s a different topic altogether.) Healthy, easy to access FOOD. Especially if she’s nursing. AND/OR has other kids. I have a go-to “new mom” meal that I just made two days ago (for about the 40th time) and I want to share it with you!  It’s easy, full of protein, leftovers are better the second day, which is a huge plus, kids (usually) eat it up and it’s so...


I tell you what, trying to write a blog post as a stay-at-home-mom is HA-larious. It’s a miracle when I have two minutes to sit down and put a coherent sentence together, and maybe add some pictures and then hit “publish.” Half the time I walk away thinking, “Did that even make sense???” Yet here I go again!! Attempting to write. This weekend was CHOCK FULL of fun things to do in Charlottesville. The Fridays After Five season kicked-off Friday...

Slow Cooker Turkey Enchilada Soup

Yesterday morning Michael and I prepared Turkey Enchilada Soup and started up the crock pot… There’s nothing like having dinner DONE by 8AM. AHHH. Side note: This is my version of Cooksmart’s Chicken Enchilada Soup recipe. Do yourself a favor and try their meal planning service for a couple of months and see what you think! There are sample meals on their website too, to get you started. You won’t be disappointed! Back to this crazy good soup! Ingredients: One chicken breast or...

Pistachio Cake

I found this amazing recipe in a magazine YEARS ago. Pre-kids. Pre-husband. Pre- “real life”. I saw the words “pudding” and “pistachio” and I was smitten. This is it, in my hand. Crinkled and so well-loved! I keep it in a make-shift recipe box with my other awesome finds. I’m so glad I finally get to do it justice and get it down somewhere concrete… and share it with you!! It’s light. It’s fluffy. It’s amazing for baby showers, bridal showers,...