

Rhode Island – Beach, Boats, And Monty!

Wednesday was one of those days where everyone tried to cram their entire vacation into one day. Our weather apps told us this was the one promised day of sunshine sandwiched in-between four “keep your chin up” days so we wanted to really make the most of it. And we did. We got to the beach at nine-thirty in the morning and left at two in the afternoon, our was our longest beach day to date with the littles. And...

Rhode Island – Foxwoods And Mystic Seaport

I’m sitting here with socks on and a hoodie over my head. It’s cold! Two days of dreary weather is exactly what I needed to fully appreciate the sunshine that is coming our way today. Monday morning we got out of the house as early as we could to avoid the impending stir-crazyness. We headed to Foxwoods as the rain pelted against the windows. M is thrilled. Foxwoods a gargantuan casino and resort (and outlets, restaurants, etc.,) tucked away in...

Rhode Island!

Whenever I sit down to write I always think: Why don’t I do this more often?? Usually it’s because the kids are all around me, sometimes it’s because life is busy, but sometimes, even when I find the time to slow down, I don’t remember to do this. Just open my laptop, have a cup of coffee by my side and let the words come. So here I am. Day four of our vacation in Rhode Island. I woke up...

Just A Random Wednesday – A Post Only A Mother Could Love

Today I documented everything that happened on a random day.. everything we did, everywhere we went, what we had for breakfast, what I felt at 8am and what I felt at 1:30 pm., all the monotony and all the joy… This post is for future me. I want something real and tedious to look back on, a way to re-live the details, the minutia, the beautiful (and not so beautiful) everything that makes up our lives today. So future Sarah:...

Slow Cooker Mexican Meatballs And A Rainy Day At Home

Last Tuesday started with a dead truck battery and ended with a traffic ticket from a very kind police officer. No really, he was so kind. After one look in the back of my land-cruiser packed with three preschoolers he went from business as usual to sweet and comforting: “Just call DMV and renew your registration and it’s like you never even got a ticket….” “Call DMV??” I don’t know what planet he’s from, but it’s not earth. Even so, I was thanking him...