Eustace – Bracing Myself For All The “Firsts”

He is gone. And now I’m bracing myself for all the “firsts.” The first morning I sip my coffee and read my Bible with no purring kitty on my lap. The first evening I hear thunder and look out the sliding glass doors and he isn’t there, sitting on the mat. No little grey face looking back at me saying “let me in NOW.” The first time I sweep the floor and feel anything but indifference to the little tufts...

How I Became a “Direction” Reader

I never used to read directions. I guess I’ve always thought of it as kind of a waste of time. Like, of course they have to put “instructions for use” in the box. But I can figure it out and do it faster than I can read it and then do it, so why read it? And in goes the waffle mix, dumped straight from the bag, and an egg and a splash of milk. Regardless of what the actual measurements...

I Love A Clothes Swap

The first time I heard “Clothes Swap” I pictured a bunch of women standing around saying “I’ll give you this if you give me that…” and trading even-steven item by item. Tedious! Clothes “swapping” is not even close to that; and far from tedious. It has turned into one of the highlights of my Spring/Fall wardrobe-wise. I store up all the clothes that I never want to see again in a bag in my closet, just waiting for the change...

Slow Cooker Mexican Pulled Chicken – And Leftovers For Days

This recipe is a combination of about six different recipes I’ve tried over the years. I’ve found that when it comes to slow/low heat there’s little you can do to mess up a pot of chicken. So I experiment! It makes a ton, and my favorite part about this dish is eating it for lunch all week. In so many yummy different ways! Balsamic dressing on the salad really adds an interesting tang to the mexican-style flavor! This is what...

My Boy Is Almost FIVE!

Usually right before a birthday I think “where did time go???” But today, as I sit here and think about Michael’s fourth year of life I think, “Wow, it feels like he’s been FOUR forever.” Which, if you know Father Time like I do, is totally weird. It’s amazing how the decision I made a year ago to quit Instagram has led me to this place of complete peace knowing that I have enjoyed my children to the fullest over...