Cheers, Melbourne!

November 16, 2019

Last night I found myself looking through all of our Australia pictures, already reminiscing. That is a sure sign that this adventure is about to become a memory.

And what an adventure it has been.

We have been in Melbourne, 10,000 miles away from our family and friends, for one third of a year. How is that even possible?

I had no idea what to expect of my family during this time. Would we implode? Would we burst at the seams of this tiny apartment? Would we drive each other crazy with the pressure of having only each other to turn to in literally every situation, every single day, for months?

But by the grace of God we are coming out of this trip smiling. Refreshed. Unscathed and more than that, thriving.

Our time here has made me so sure of what we are capable of. It has made me so sure of my kid’s resilience. It has made me so thankful for the partnership and friendship I have in B. It has made me so aware of my strengths and my weaknesses, and it has made me see that even my weaknesses don’t limit me, they just allow me another opportunity to grow and change.

Being away for so long has really shown me what we need to live and thrive. And shocker, we don’t need a whole lot. Being on this trip has allowed me to press “restart” on our routine. What a gift.

We leave in five days, and I love leaving a place that I could call home. It hits the emotional spot that makes me know that our time here was rich and meaningful. It also hurts, saying goodbye to all the people and things around us that we’ve fallen in love with.

And there’s so much to love.

I’m picturing myself on a weekday, riding the tram near Southern Cross station with my loud kids and their oversized helmets. They are bumbling around with their scooters, amongst all the busy professionals heading to work. Not a child in sight as far as the eye can see. Still, everyone (with no exception!) is so kind to me and my out-of-place kids. Offering their seats to the kids and even talking to them about what fun they planned to have that day. The thought!

And the church here is incredible. They are fishing in a big pond so-to-speak. It takes so much bravery and courage to be a Christian in a place like Melbourne, living and working in a place where people who share your faith are few and far between. But that’s where so much impact for the gospel can be made. And these beautiful people are making it.

And I love the city herself. (Is it weird that I’ve personified her? Melbourne just seems like a beautiful hospitable “she” to me.)

New York City is loud with honking and yelling and “I’m walking here!” (Kidding.) But everywhere in Melbourne is quiet. The airport, the streets, no honking or yelling. The restaurants, the malls. The noises are just 10 decibels lower than any other city I’ve been to.

And it seems wider and bigger. Like Montana with Skyscrapers. I’m used to condensed cities, packing everything in and utilizing every little nook and cranny. Melbourne is so different. It has trams (trains on tracks!) riding on the roads. There is no underground subway, (yet, they’re working on it because of the crazy number of new people who are calling Melbourne “home” each day) it’s all above ground, along with the pedestrians and bicyclists and cars. Talk about beautiful synergy.

I’m going to miss living on the water and the life it brings. All the boats floating lazily by, and the kayak teams paddling vigorously. I’m going to miss being surrounded by really tall interesting buildings. I’m going to miss living in a tall interesting building! The beauty even after all this time is not lost on me. Waking up to this view every morning has been amazing.
I’m going to so miss the accents so much. Being immersed in it for four months I don’t even notice it anymore, until I hear an American accent! B was watching an NFL game last week (early in the morning on Tuesday because that is Monday Night Football in the States) and I was like “Wow! American accents are so cool!” I found myself listening like I’d never heard the accent before. So funny how that works. 

And I’m going to miss how they say everything just a little bit differently here. Last night Brielle was looking for her swim suit and said “Mom, have you seen my bathers?” She hasn’t started saying “mum,” yet, which would have made the entire sentence Aussie!

And “tomato sauce” in a restaurant instead of “Ketchup.’ In fact, I’m never saying “ketchup” again. How uncouth! I feel the same about “gas” and “petrol.” 😀

B told me that someone taking a sick day from work is “chucking a sickie,” which is ha-larious.

Markers are called “textas.”

Renting a car is “hiring” a car.

Brielle was calling her sweatshirt a “jumper” from the first week we were here.

“How you goin’?” instead of “how are you?”

“Toastie” instead of “sandwich.”

“Cheers” instead of “goodbye” which I love.

“I’m keen to…” instead of “I want to…” (I’m keen to see a movie this *arvo.”)

*”Arvo” means “Afternoon.”

“I reckon” instead of “I think…” (“I reckon we should get our jumpers.”)

And so much more!

Melbourne is known for its coffee, and it is well deserved. The day after we flew to Melbourne my ‘Folgers-is-okay-in-a-pinch’ self was ordering a Flat White from the nearest café. Let me tell you… Mind blown.
One thing that totally blind-sided me was the jet lag. Help! Why didn’t anyone tell me how exhausting this would be with kids?

It was pretty hard to explain to a five year old that yes, we are in the new city that we were so excited about, and yes, I know you want to go outside and explore but no, you have to sleep even though your body is wide-awake. Oh, and please be quiet because it’s night-time and our neighbors are starting to hate us.
Keeping him awake at dinner-time was impossible for the first few days. Look at those eyes! B carried him home from this café asleep on his shoulder.

Yes, so I’m looking forward to that when we fly home!

The time difference is so weird for other reasons too. As I type this it is 5:30PM our time, and 1:30AM in Charlottesville. All my friends and family are passed out asleep and I hear crickets coming from the direction of the States. No facebook updates, no Marco Polos, no emails or texts, it’s all just quiet. It’s one of the more bizarre aspects of the trip.

The weather here in November is amazing and so starkly different than what I know is happening in Virginia! A couple of weeks ago beautiful Christmas decorations started popping up everywhere. Bright red and green ornaments are now hanging in the trees along the streets, looking so delightful against the fresh green leaves.

Michael was genuinely baffled. “What are the Christmas decorations for? It’s summer!” I explained that they have a December 25th here just like we do, it’s just in a totally different season! Christmas-time in the Spring!

I don’t know how much Brielle and Michael will remember of our trip, but I will do my best to give them what they need to keep their memories fresh and poignant in their minds and hearts. I wrote a blog post about this a few months ago, and now I’m going to take my advice one hundred percent. Shutterfly photo albums here I come!

Cheers, Melbourne. It has been so so real. We love you and can’t wait to come back and see how you’ve grown and changed!

Sending some love to the States. <3
Tramming to church! City On A Hill Melbourne we love you!
Homeschooling here has been amazing.
Australia has the edge on hot chocolate as well… and marshmallows!  
Just about the only thing I could be like “whyyyyyy…” about are the shopping carts. All the wheels move freely which means it’s a total pain just to push the cart in a straight line! The kids sure had fun trying.
State Library of Victoria
Melbourne Aquarium  
The day we got in – Flagstaff Gardens
Art at the Melbourne Aquarium   Brighton Beach Boxes!
My morning view from our first apartment in CBD, Melbourne.

High atop the Eureka Tower!

Early dawn at the Yering Cottages, Yarra Valley

Our adorable Yering Cottage

Sipping coffee at the Healesville Sanctuary

M’s new buddy at the Sanctuary

What a treat to get close and feed them and smell them! They smelled beautiful and were so warm and soft.

What I wouldn’t do to hug this guy! His name is Dendy. 
On the drive to our cottage in Yarra Valley. Kangaroos wild and free everywhere!

At the Docklands. Best buds.  
At Flagstaff Gardens. I love the trees in Australia!

View from our patio on the 14th floor. The ocean is right beyond those buildings, and then straight ahead to Antartica! It’s bizarre where we are on the map right now.

At the entrance of our apartment. I stopped caring what people think a long time ago.

Admiring my coffee.
We saw so many rainbows from our first apartment in the Central Business District! Stunning.

And hot air balloons every morning! 
At the Yarra River bridge the pigeons ate out of our hands. M and B named one “Lincoln.” 🙂

Watching American Football on a sunny day in the park.
The toilets (Loo with a view!) on the 35th floor of the Sofitel Hotel.

Our sweet Docklands park playground.

Luna Park – Australia’s oldest (and creepiest) amusement park.

She’s grown so much in the last four months. I am so beyond proud of her.
My beautiful girl.

No words.

At St. Kilda beach. Just a seven mile tram ride from our apartment!

Walking down the St. Kilda pier to the cute café at the end.

This girl. <3

The Yarra River
Months ago, waiting in the chilly morning air to get picked up to go to gymnastics camp! Before we mastered the trams we took Ubers everywhere. 
Enjoying the warmth because we know what’s in store for us at home! Brrrrr…
When Daddy gets off work the party really starts! Especially if it’s a Friday!

My morning quiet-time spot. A little different from my view at home!
The Melbourne Star! An observation wheel in the Docklands that overlooks the city and beyond.
The architecture here is crazy. Melbournians take every opportunity to make everything interesting and beautiful to look at.

Like this walking bridge over the Yarra River. <3 
We will miss this library dearly. It’s a two second walk from our apartment and feels like our second home.

Flagstaff gardens – Their relationship has flourished so much over the last four months!

Gorgeous wall art everywhere.
 The Melbourne Museum
His spirit animal.
His city identity is a scooter-er.

“Give me a nose kiss, now an eyelash kiss, now a cheek kiss.”
Another crazy amazing tree! This one is at the Melbourne zoo.
The goodies here are a little too good.
The Polly Woodside docked at the Docklands.

Torquay beach.

Meeting sweet dogs wherever we go!

The beaches on the Surf Coast are incredible!

Torquay beach at sunset

Feeling alive!

At the Kennett River Walk along the Great Ocean Road

At Teddy’s Lookout in Lorne along the Great Ocean Road

At Apollo Bay Beach – The mountains against the Ocean, absolutely breathtaking.

Bells Beach!

The Great Ocean Road is winding and treacherous. The kids were motion-sick and I held my breath the whole way. B is a genius left-side-of-the-road driver!

The Twelve Apostles! (There are now only eight as they slowly corrode and collapse into the water.)

Pictures don’t do this justice. It was so incredible!


Yes, this is what we drove three hours for, kids! Enjoy!

Explaining how the twelve apostles turned into eight.

We love you so much Australia!


More about Sarah Grace

1 Comment
    1. What a lovely, lovely memory. Your beautiful writing captures your time spent– and the photos! Wow. We can’t wait to see you. It feels like forever 🙂 Soon!!

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